International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Law | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023

Effectiveness of Consumer Protection Laws In, India

Kalpana Kumari

Abstract: This study presents a theoretical analysis of consumerism. It gives a quick overview of consumer movement, consumer protection Act different consumer-damaging market practices, problems, and corrective actions. It makes the case for a powerful and coordinated consumer movement to establish conditions that will protect consumers' interests. In the case of India, at the very least, the myth of consumer sovereignty in the market has been proven false. The customer has no authority, privileges, or rights?they are only kings in name only. In the Indian market, the seller does not hold himself accountable for the quality of the goods he offers, and the adage "Caveat emptor" (let the buyer beware) is prevalent. This is essentially the situation facing both ignorant and knowledgeable consumers. It appears that a lot of other emerging and underdeveloped nations throughout the world share similar characteristics with India. Customers get caught up in a web of unethical company activities. Despite having every right to defend themselves against the perils of the market environment, consumers are quietly enduring all of this without raising an objection. Many factors, including poverty, a lack of organized attempts to prevent market ills, widespread illiteracy, and ignorance of consumers' legal rights, leave individuals open to exploitation by manufacturers, traders, and middlemen. The system in place to safeguard consumers' interests isn't perfect just now. In addition to raising people's incomes and levels of literacy, it is crucial that we also educate them about the reasons behind their current situation, inform them of their legal rights and privileges as consumers, and instruct them on the steps that need to be taken to actually make these goals a reality.

Keywords: consumerism, caveat emptor, market milieu, exploitation, consumer plight, legitimate consumer rights, consumer activism (Mutyala)

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023,

Pages: 1582 - 1588

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