Validity and Reliability of Shoulder Disability Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire 12 Following Open Heart Surgery
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10


Validity and Reliability of Shoulder Disability Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire 12 Following Open Heart Surgery

Jyoti Makwana, Dr. Parita Dave

Abstract: Background: The Open heart surgery where chest is opened and surgery is done on the heart muscles, valves, arteries. It is the only method of treatment in cardiovascular diseases. After this surgery many postoperative complications occurs like pulmonary complications. Physiotherapy may have positive impact on cardiovascular surgeries. It may be beneficial for patient who has undergone Open heart Surgery. following open heart surgery patient often report feeling of depression, a lack of patience, a loss of general well being, and an inability to function at the same level it affect the general health of patient. The general health questionnaire 12 is assessing the all over general health of patients. After this surgery patient is having musculoskeletal complications like shoulder dysfunction is common. The shoulder disability questionnaire is assessing the shoulder dysfunction. These two scales are available in English version there is no Guajarati version of these scale so if the validity and reliability will be good it may helpful for our community and further research purpose also. Aim and Objective: To check the Validity and Reliability of Guajarati translation of Shoulder disability questionnaire & General Health Questionnaire 12. Method: 55 patients following open heart surgery was included in the study. The age groups between 35-70 years were included. The English version of shoulder disability questionnaire and general health questionnaire12 was forward and backward translated into Gujrati version. Written consent form was obtained from the patient after explanation. After that patient is fill this questionnaire. Same group of people is again taken & given the same questionnaire at 48hour interval. The data was collected and statistical analysis has been done. Result: Data was analyzed in SPSS version 20. The Mean age of patients was (37.226) with involvement of 38% males and 62% females. The test retest reliability of the shoulder disability questionnaire &general health questionnaire12 was excellent ICC is GHQ12 (0.969-0.779) & SDQ (0.92-0.96). Conclusion: The shoulder disability questionnaire and general health questionnaire12 is having excellent test retest reliability and validity.

Keywords: Open heart surgery, shoulder disability questionnaire, general health questionnaire12, shoulder dysfunction, general well being

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022

Pages: 794 - 797


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Jyoti Makwana, Dr. Parita Dave, "Validity and Reliability of Shoulder Disability Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire 12 Following Open Heart Surgery", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 8, August 2022, pp. 794-797,, DOI: