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Case Studies | Surgery | India | Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome in Post Operative Female Breast Cancer Patients
Dr. B. Santhi, Dr. A. Sagaya Inbasekar, Dr. Kirthika .R
Abstract: Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) is a common type of cancer among female human populations [1]. Approximately, one million new cases are diagnosed per year, and it is expected to increase in the future [2]. It is estimated that over 50% of women suffer from chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. The prevalent surgical mode of therapy of breast invasive carcinoma are breast-protective surgery and modified radical mastectomy. ?Phantom Breast Syndrome? (PBS) is a condition wherein patients have a sensation of residual breast tissue. The condition can include phantom breast pain and non-painful sensations as well. The incidence varies across different studies, ranging from approximately 30% to as high as 80% of patients after mastectomy. [3] PBS can persist years after surgery. [4] Materials & Methods: 45 patients who underwent mastectomy were enrolled for the study and using data retrieved from questionnaires, the presence of phantom breast syndrome was assessed & calculated using a scoring system which included various risk factors. Results: In the study conducted in our hospital the incidence of phantom breast syndrome was noted to be 77.8 %.40% of the study population had mild preoperative pain and 37.8 % had moderate preoperative pain. Incidence of post operative pain from one month to one year after surgery was found to be 73.3 %. The incidence of PBS was found to be highest in patients who presented with locally advanced breast cancer at 46.7%, those with early breast cancer with nodal metastasis, early breast cancer without nodal metastasis and patient who underwent post neo-adjuvant/adjuvant chemotherapy had incidence of 17.8%, 6.7% and 28.9% respectively. Among those having PBS, incidence of mild, moderate, and severe depression was 66.7%, 20% and 11.1% respectively with predilection towards younger age. The highest incidence of PBS was noted in the age group of 49-58 years probably due to the following reasons: 1) lack of preoperative and postoperative psychiatric counseling. 2) minimal employment of reconstructive procedures. 3) lack of awareness among patients. Conclusion: There is a high incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome among patients with breast cancer post-surgery. Emphasis is laid on more usage of breast conservative procedures and adequate pain management apart from psychological follow-up.
Keywords: Phantom breast syndrome, Breast cancer, Mastectomy
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022
Pages: 136 - 147
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