Incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome in Post Operative Female Breast Cancer Patients
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Surgery | India | Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10


Incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome in Post Operative Female Breast Cancer Patients

Dr. B. Santhi, Dr. A. Sagaya Inbasekar, Dr. Kirthika .R

Abstract: Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) is a common type of cancer among female human populations [1]. Approximately, one million new cases are diagnosed per year, and it is expected to increase in the future [2]. It is estimated that over 50% of women suffer from chronic pain after breast cancer surgery. The prevalent surgical mode of therapy of breast invasive carcinoma are breast-protective surgery and modified radical mastectomy. ?Phantom Breast Syndrome? (PBS) is a condition wherein patients have a sensation of residual breast tissue. The condition can include phantom breast pain and non-painful sensations as well. The incidence varies across different studies, ranging from approximately 30% to as high as 80% of patients after mastectomy. [3] PBS can persist years after surgery. [4] Materials & Methods: 45 patients who underwent mastectomy were enrolled for the study and using data retrieved from questionnaires, the presence of phantom breast syndrome was assessed & calculated using a scoring system which included various risk factors. Results: In the study conducted in our hospital the incidence of phantom breast syndrome was noted to be 77.8 %.40% of the study population had mild preoperative pain and 37.8 % had moderate preoperative pain. Incidence of post operative pain from one month to one year after surgery was found to be 73.3 %. The incidence of PBS was found to be highest in patients who presented with locally advanced breast cancer at 46.7%, those with early breast cancer with nodal metastasis, early breast cancer without nodal metastasis and patient who underwent post neo-adjuvant/adjuvant chemotherapy had incidence of 17.8%, 6.7% and 28.9% respectively. Among those having PBS, incidence of mild, moderate, and severe depression was 66.7%, 20% and 11.1% respectively with predilection towards younger age. The highest incidence of PBS was noted in the age group of 49-58 years probably due to the following reasons: 1) lack of preoperative and postoperative psychiatric counseling. 2) minimal employment of reconstructive procedures. 3) lack of awareness among patients. Conclusion: There is a high incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome among patients with breast cancer post-surgery. Emphasis is laid on more usage of breast conservative procedures and adequate pain management apart from psychological follow-up.

Keywords: Phantom breast syndrome, Breast cancer, Mastectomy

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022

Pages: 136 - 147


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Dr. B. Santhi, Dr. A. Sagaya Inbasekar, Dr. Kirthika .R, "Incidence of Phantom Breast Syndrome in Post Operative Female Breast Cancer Patients", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022, pp. 136-147,, DOI:

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