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Analysis Study Research Paper | Medicinal Plants | India | Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10
FTIR Analysis of Siddha Medicine 'Kara Sooda Sathu Parpam'
Bakyalakshmi C, Kingsly A
Abstract: Background: The Kara soda sathu parpam is a herbo-mineral drug used for the treatment of Kalladaippu (Renal calculi), Neerkattu (Anuria), Thasaiadaippu (Stricture urethra), Neeradaippu. Objective: The objective of the present study is to characterize and functional groups in herbo-mineral drug "Kara Sooda Sathu Parpam". Materials and methods: The ingredients were collected and purified and the drug was prepared as per Siddha literature "Chikicha Rathna Deepam Vaiththiya Sinthamani part-2" by Kannusamypillai, page no: 218. Here, the drug was subjected into characterization through FT-IR analysis. Result: FT-IR characterization shows that the presence of functional groups like O-H stretch (Alcohol), OH stretch (Carboxylic acid), C=O stretch (Aromatic groups), C=C stretch (Alkene), C-O stretch (Ester), C-F stretch (Alkyl & aryl halides), C=C bending (Alkene), C=C bending (Alkene), C=C bending (Alkene), C=C bending (Alkene) & C-Br stretch (Halo compound) which ensure the efficacy and therapeutic effect of the drug. Conclusion: This study forms the base for the pharmaceutical analysis of Kara Sooda Sathu Parpam which will be followed by safe and efficacy studies later.
Keywords: Kara sooda sathu parpam, FTIR
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 3, March 2022
Pages: 1506 - 1508
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