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Research Paper | Dentistry | India | Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Comparative Evaluation of Access Cavity Designs and Core Buildup Materials on Fracture Strength in Molars Using CBCT
Dr. Albert Baby, Dr. Josey Mathew, Dr. Liza George, Dr. Aleesha Joy, Dr. Sinju Paul, Dr. Jeason Paul Yacob
Abstract: Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effects of traditional and conservative access cavity designs on the preservation of pericervical dentin thickness and fracture strength in root canal-treated molars with Class II caries, restored with conventional and fiber-reinforced composites. Methodology: After pre-operative CBCT, samples were divided into four groups based on cavity design and restored with different composites. The pericervical dentin thickness was evaluated. Results: Traditional access showed the highest reduction in dentin thickness and lowest fracture strength. Conclusion: Conservative cavity designs better preserve dentin and structural integrity than traditional designs, with fiber-reinforced composites not compensating for reduced strength.
Keywords: Root canal treatment, CK access, Cone beam computed tomography, Fracture strength, Fiber reinforced composite, Pericervical dentin, Ninja access, Traditional access
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 6, June 2024
Pages: 471 - 476
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