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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Popularity: 4.9 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Temporary Contraceptive Methods among College Going Females in Selected College at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Laxmi Pandey, Priyanshi Gupta, Pushpanjali Sen, Sadaf Anjum, Sandhya Satyarthi, Sarita Yadav, Shreya Shrestha, Sneha Singh Chauhan
Abstract: Contraception is the use of temporary or permanent methods to avoid unintended pregnancy and prevention of STDS. Unintended pregnancy is a social issue that imperil the individual. College age women have one of the highest rate of unintended pregnancies, transfer of STDs due to lack of awareness of contraceptive use and unsafe sexual practices. Since college females are sexually active and not seeking to become pregnant or get STDs, it is important to aware these women with various methods of contraception. Knowledge regarding Temporary contraceptive methods among college age females are very necessary and effective to them. A quasi experimental research design (one group pre - test post- test ) was used for the study. 40 college going females from age group 18-30 years were selected through purposive sampling technique, in selected college of Lucknow. A self structured knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge regarding temporary contraceptive methods. This study result shows that the pre-test knowledge level regarding video assisted teaching program on temporary contraceptive among college going females was found that 34(85%) respondents had inadequate knowledge , 05 (12.5%) respondents had moderate knowledge, 01(2.5%) respondents had adequate knowledge and the post-test knowledge level was shows that 6(15%) respondents had inadequate knowledge , 23(57.5%) respondents had moderate knowledge and 11(27.5%) respondents had adequate knowledge after post-test. This study exhibit that the overall pre-test mean and SD was 14.625 + 2.6 whereas overall post-test mean and SD was 26.412 + 2.8. The obtained paired t- test value was 7.96
Keywords: Assess, Effectiveness, video Assisted Teaching Program, Knowledge
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023
Pages: 682 - 684
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