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Research Paper | Biochemistry Science | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Potential of Red Onion (Allium ascalonicum) as Natural Antioxidant on the Decrease of Soiling and Analysis of Activated Carbon in Cheap Oil
Christ Kartika Rahayuningsih, Indah Lestari
Abstract: Bulk cooking oil made from low quality raw materials through a simple filtering process. The physical and chemical properties of cooking oil when used for frying turn brown, thick, the level of fusion increases, because prolonged and repeated heating will accelerate the occurrence of hydrolysis, oxidation and decomposition of oil into carbon (C). So that the short carbon chain fatty acids, which means the molecular weight of a small bulk cooking oil, have a large number of fission. Damage to the properties of oil can be determined by the number of fungi with color purification by activated carbon and the addition of natural antioxidants that are strong, safe and able to inhibit the oxidation process. This type of research is a quantitative experiment on 5 samples of bulk cooking oil in yellow plastic packaging at random (Simple Random Sampling) from traditional market traders in East Surabaya. The dependent variable is the iodine number and the independent variable is 10, 15, 20, 25 grams of onionss stored for 3 days by heating> 100 oC for 1-2 hours and 2 grams of activated carbon given when heating 70-80 oC. The results of the analysis obtained by MGC fused numbers for the control group were 208, 086; with heating without onions an average of 209, 513; Addition of BM by heating 1x to 10 g on average by 206.38; 15 g on average is 203.95; 20 g averaging 199.20; 25 g averaging 197.98; 2x heating for 10 g on average by 204.88; 15 g an average of 202.07; 20 g on average is 196.90; 25 g averaging 196.15; and heating 3x for 10 g with an average of 194.27; 15 g an average of 189.07; 20 g on average by 185.30; 25 g averaging 181.16. The organoleptic test of the oil color was still yellow after the treatment and the Anova One Way statistical test showed a decrease in the number of bulk cooking oil famines in the control and treatment groups
Keywords: Bulk cooking oil, Fertilizer numbers, Onionss, Activated carbon
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
Pages: 1969 - 1972
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