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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Comparative Analysis of Sharia Investment in Indonesia and Malaysia
Mohammad Benny Alexandri
Abstract: This study aims to determine the comparison of sharia-based investment activities in Indonesia and Malaysia. Investing becomes the basis in business such as analyzing risk, choosing to take risks, and the ability to seize opportunities. The trend of sharia-based investing has begun to penetrate all aspects of business in countries with a Muslim majority population, including Indonesia and Malaysia. This includes stock investments, mutual funds and so on. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive format that provides a careful picture of the comparative analysis of Islamic investment in Indonesia and Malaysia. The object of this research is investment in Indonesia and Malaysia. Source of data used comes from secondary data in the form of books, journals and articles through documentation studies and literature studies. The results showed that the growth of sharia investment in Indonesia showed a negative trend even though the majority of the people adhered to Islam. While the application of Islamic investment in Malaysia continues to show a positive trend. This can be seen from Islamic banking assets and their quality is better than in Indonesia. When viewed from the perspective of investors, both of these countries have the same level of risk. However, a greater potential for investment exists in Malaysia, which continues to show a positive trend.
Keywords: Investment, Sharia, Banking, Malaysia, Indonesia
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
Pages: 1177 - 1180
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