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Research Paper | Agriculture | Indonesia | Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Social Study of Culture in the Village of Fishermen Tamasaju Galesong District District Takalar
Amruddin, Nadir
Abstract: The aim of this study to determine the socio-economic life of the fishing community in the village of Tamasaju District of North Galesong Takalar. Sampling was purposive sampling method (accidentally) that 15 fishermen as respondents. Analysis of the data in this study is a qualitative descriptive which describes the life of the fishing community. The results showed that the economic aspects of life of fishing communities remains low incomes and have not been able to meet the maximum daily needs because of the fluctuating catches (erratic) due to weather factors, boat jolloro are often damaged and fuel shortages. Alternative business done by the community as an additional income to meet the daily needs dilakoni such as construction workers, selling traditional cakes and making dried fish. The social aspect of fishing communities which still adheres to the values of local wisdom as the attitude or behavior or attitude of mutual cooperation and mutual respect among fellow's behavior so as to drown out the seeds of conflict that might occur. Fishing community education aspect is still low because only graduated from elementary school to junior high, so that the fishermen continue to meet the educational needs of their children to high school and college so that their lives better future than their parents.
Keywords: Fishermen Behavior, Economic, and Social
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
Pages: 66 - 75
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