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Research Paper | Management | Ethiopia | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Problems of Risk Management Techniques Implementations of Small-Scale Enterprises in the Case of Selected Small and Micro Enterprises Wolaita Sodo City Administration, Southern Ethiopia
Lidetu Alemu Anjulo
Abstract: All kinds of Enterprises face difficulty by natural, political, socio-economic and cultural influences that make their operating environments uncertain. Moreover, business risks such as operating risks, strategic risks, market risks, country risks, compliance/liability risks are most common to any form of businesses. These influences may impact on the extent to which objectives can be met. The small-scale business organizations are also part this environment and touchable by these risks and are required to act to manage and control risk. This study has been conducted on Risk Management techniques implementations and problems of the Small-scale enterprises. In case selected of Small and Micro Enterprises Wolaita Sodo city Administration, Southern Ethiopia. For this effect descriptive research approach has been implemented and stratified sampling techniques was used for a sample of 78 questionnaires were distributed and also interview has been conducted to the business owners and managers. The data was presented and analyses was made by using SPSS software. The findings of the study shown that the major causes of small-scale enterprises are manmade and predictable in nature than natural events but there was less awareness of enterprises for risk managing techniques, procedures and their implementation. Based on the findings of the study the small-scale enterprises can be effective and work their operation with less suffer if they implement the risk managing techniques appropriately and also, they would try to get training which capacitates them and also the government and other stack holders should support and capacitate the enterprises to be effective and efficient.
Keywords: Small scale enterprises, risk management techniques, efficient and effective
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Pages: 664 - 671
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