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Research Proposals or Synopsis | Management | Uzbekistan | Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
The Role of Technological Innovation in the Effective Economic Performances of Enterprises
Iqboljon Odashev Mashrabjonovich
Abstract: At present, numerous approaches have been verified and suggested in relation to the innovation policy formulation of enterprise. However, less attention is paid to regions in developing world. An attempt is made in this thesis towards that direction. I argue that from system of innovation theory perspective, innovation policy practice for regions in developed world is a problem solving based process, due to the path dependency of innovation policy and the development level of advanced economies. By this purpose, the article proves the possibility of every companys making much more profit by realizing and improving effective innovative management in the developing economy. And, it will be calculated and assessed the correlation link between the costs of innovation and total revenues of the worlds most innovative companies. At the end it will be done some conclusions and discussions of nowadays innovators practice.
Keywords: Innovation, management, correlation, observes, technological
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019
Pages: 688 - 693
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