International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019 | Rating: 6.9 / 10


The Participation Identification of the Environmental Care Campaign in Communities of South Meruya West Jakarta

Novi Erlita

Abstract: The population density that continues to increase, especially in urban areas, like in the South Meruya, West Jakarta, affected the quality of the city, which was in producing waste and environmental pollution due to their actions. This was because peoples lifestyles tend not to pay attention to the impact on the environment which would then threaten public health and environmental sustainability itself. In this case, community initiatives had emerged to improve the quality of the environment, ranging from changes in clean lifestyles, green villages, waste segregation, saving water use, and planting trees. Preserving the environment would affect environmental sustainability so that from this behavior the writer can identify the Environmental Care campaign in the community of South Meruya, West Jakarta. Based on these explanations, the writer was interested in studying and focusing this research on How to Identify the Environmental Care Campaigns in the Community of South Meruya, West Jakarta. The results of this study were substantially expected to be able to map what kind and how the Identification of Environmental Care Campaigns in the community of South Meruya, West Jakarta. The environmental identification which was conducted by the Department of the Environment in West Jakarta could be implemented on a local or national scale and for the development of environmental communication science. Environmental education and awareness campaigns Inventory and identification of awareness and development for all levels of society were about the importance of environmental campaigns such as for example involving community leaders in the area of South Meruya, Kembangan, West Jakarta. This was where the importance of repositioning the environment in the view of humans in the concept of environmental communication. Such repositioning could be realized in activities that are practical. The awareness and concern of the Meruya Selatan village community was being held by the Government in collaboration with the Department of the Environment to implement a Healthy Community Movement program. This mission was carried out to the South Meruya community by carrying out a healthy environmental information campaign/ campaign program, conducting seminars, workshops, counseling, talk shows and poster campaigns, leaflets, appeal boards, healthy environment stickers in the South Meruya neighborhood, Kembangan, West Jakarta

Keywords: campaign, the environmental care, participation & society

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019

Pages: 1917 - 1923

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