The Effect of Different Paint Material of Absorber on Exergy and Energy of Parabolic Solar Dish
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Engineering | Iraq | Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10


The Effect of Different Paint Material of Absorber on Exergy and Energy of Parabolic Solar Dish

Ali A. F. Al-Hamadani, AlaaTaghi Al-Azawi

Abstract: Solar energy is most important energy. The parabolic dish solar collector (PDS) is the best among other solar collectors because it is always trucking the sun. The exergy and energy performance of a PDS analyzed experimentally and numerically. The effect of different paint material of absorber and different mass flow rates of heat transfer fluid (HTF) are investigated. The PDS has parabolic dish and receiver with diameter (1.5) m and (0.2) m respectively. Concentration ratio is 56.25. Parabolic Solar Dish supported by tracking system with two axis. The copper absorber were used spiral helical coil (SHC) painted with two different paints (black paint and mixed paint), the results shows that the useful energy at 0.1L/min rate and thermal efficiency varying with solar radiation variation. The maximum useful energy (568) W for (SHPMC) and the maximum thermal efficiency (38) % for (SHPMC). Exergy efficiency (8.5) %.

Keywords: Parabolic dish collector, exergy efficiency, thermal efficiency, spiral ?helical coil (SHC).

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019

Pages: 794 - 801

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Ali A. F. Al-Hamadani, A'laaTaghi Al-Azawi, "The Effect of Different Paint Material of Absorber on Exergy and Energy of Parabolic Solar Dish", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019, pp. 794-801,, DOI: