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Research Paper | Production Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Effect of Process Parameters during Machining of Mild Steel and Titanium
Ramcharan Vuyyala
Abstract: The measurement of cutting forces and other parameters in metal cutting is essential to estimate the power requirements to machine performance; work piece and tool material selection, tool life, quality of machined surfaces play a major role in this regard. The parameters selected are speed, feed and depth of cut on a lathe machine. In the experiment the lathe tool dynamometer is used to measure cutting force, feed rate and depth of cut. The dynamometer is connected to the data acquisition system. As the tool comes in contact with the work piece the various forces developed are captured. In this experiment four different materials namely mild steel, annealed mild steel, zirconium coated mild steel and titanium materials are selected. In this study single point cutting tools are employed and then major forces on these materials, hardness and surface roughness of the machined surfaces are evaluated. Graph and numerical formulation is done based on variation of speed and feed.
Keywords: LatheDynamometer, Taguchi Sequence, Thermal spary coating, SAE40
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Pages: 1079 - 1083
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