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Research Paper | Education Management | Kenya | Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Analysis of Retention and Dropout Rates in Primary Schools in North Horr Sub-County
Sylvester Munyalo Malelu, Paul Gichohi PhD, Eric Mwenda
Abstract: This study investigated on retention and dropout rates in primary schools in North Horr Sub-County. Theoretical framework used in this study was based on Vincent Tinto’s model of learner departure. This model has had the greatest influence on the understanding of learner’s retention. The sample was 56 respondents who included 5 headteachers, 50 members of teaching staff and one Area Education Officer (AEO). The study employed a descriptive survey research design, questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The validity and reliability of the research instruments was established before collecting data. The study elicited an understanding of the multifaceted nature of the factors affecting retention and dropout rates of pupils in schools in North Horr Sub-County. Findings of the study showed that the majority of factors are culture related: pastoral lifestyle, strong cultural values, negative attitude towards education and engagement in domestic work. Other factors included social economic characteristics and environmental factors among others. Findings of the study also helped to come up with conclusions and recommendations that would accelerate retention of learners in primary schools among pastoralist communities. The study recommended strategies such as construction of more boarding schools, establishing mobile schools, sensitizing parents on the need for education as an alternative to pastoralism life, offering guidance and counseling to the pupils especially when they undergo FGM.
Keywords: Enrolment, Retention, Education, Dropout, Socio-Cultural Factors
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 9, September 2019
Pages: 657 - 661
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