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Survey Paper | Dental Science | Morocco | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Conservative Management of a Large Cyst Associated with an Ectopic Tooth Evolving towards the Orbit: A Case Report
AMMINOU Loubna, KHARRAZ Soufiane, TALEB Bouchra
Abstract: The ectopic teeth may have several etiologies such as pathological or iatrogenic processes. Their association with a cyst pushing them back through the sinus and into the orbit is a rare entity presenting the challenge of the treatment of the lesion and the extraction of the tooth while avoiding the possible complications. The present case is that of a young Moroccan boy who was referred to the department of oral surgery for a large cyst associated with ectopic wisdom tooth. The management of this case has been conservative by decompression using a device allowing to carry out the treatment thus optimizing its success.
Keywords: Conservative management, large cyst, ectopic tooth
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 1524 - 1527
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