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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | Jordan | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Effect of DC/DC Losses on Optimal Power Flow in Multi-Terminal HVDC
Mohammad Al-Momani, Seba Al-Gharaibeh, Hussein. D. Al-Majali
Abstract: This paper presents an optimal power flow for multi-terminal High voltage Direct current system (MT-HVDC) based on Genetic algorithm by using MATLAB R2018a, the results show the big effect of DC/DC losses on OPF and made a comparison between OPF with DC/DC converter losses and without considering this losses. The paper shows the effect of DC/DC converter losses on total fuel cost and transmission line losses, The voltage deviation is shown in result. In this paper IEEE 30 Bus system take as a case study with modified DC generation system connect on Bus number 11 and 13 with two AC/DC and one DC/DC converters in addition to two separate DC generators which can be PV power plants
Keywords: HVDC, Optimal power flow, MTDC, DC/DC converter losses, IEEE30 bus system, AC/DC converters
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 840 - 845
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