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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
A Study of Vocational Students Ability in Writing Report Text in Painan, Indonesia
Rahmi Azizah, Hermawati Syarif, Yenni Rozimela
Abstract: This paper reports on the results of a study focusing on the analysis of students’ ability in writing report texts in terms of generic structure and language features. The subject of the research was the second year students at Vocational high school number 1 Painan. To take the sample, stratified random sampling was used. The data of this research were the texts that were written by the students. Thus, to collect data, writing test was used. The test was analyzed by using scoring rubric. Based on the data analysis, it was found that there was no students had excellent, good and very good ability, 38 % students had fair ability, and 56 % had poor ability. Then 6 % students had very poor ability. The analysis of the data indicate the students’ ability in writing report text was poor. Then, most of students cannot achieve the passing grade which was seventy. Hence, appropriate teaching techniques and approaches should be implemented.
Keywords: writing ability, report text, vocational student
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 417 - 420
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