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Review Papers | Biomedical Sciences | Sri Lanka | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Effects of Type 2 Diabetes upon Cardiovascular Diseases
Nimesha Gunathilaka, Bhagya Manjaree
Abstract: Nowadays Type 2 diabetes is becoming a major health problem in the world. It has identified that Type 2Diabetes Mellitus will lead to serious cardiovascular outcomes, which can cause several damages to the organs of the body and even death. This paper will emphasize the risk factors, which cause both Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular diseases and main microvascular and Macrovascular outcomes, which can conceivable in type 2 diabetic patients. A research has done in England with the information of CALIBER program, to investigate the association between T2DM and initial manifestations of CVD. [17] University of occupational and environmental health in japan has done a cross sectional study about, how does fluctuating of glucose level affect to vascular endothelial function. [8] Study design and participant ADVANCE was a factorial randomized controlled trial evaluates the effects of blood pressure-lowering and intensive blood glucose on vascular outcome, which was done by ADVANCE collaborative group. They have consisted 11149 participants from 215 centers in 20 countries. Swedish national diabetes register has done a research about additive effects of glycaemia and dyslipidemia on risk of cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study is consisted 22135 participants according to age (3075 years), HbA1c 5 % (31 mmol/mol), BMI 18 kg/m2 and plasma creatinine
Keywords: DM- diabetes mellitus CVD- cardiovascular disease UKPDS- United Kingdom prospective diabetes study
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 10 - 17
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