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Research Paper | Education Management | Bangladesh | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Obstacles of Mathematics Learning: A Contextual Study on Learners Perspective
Rajib Lochan DAS, Dilip Kumar DAS, Md. Joni ALAM
Abstract: Mathematics is agreed as an essential subject for the 21st century learners who need to have sufficient skills to pursue their higher study and will ultimately become competent for career path. Bangladesh Government has recognized the fact and emphasized to improve the situation in the latest National Education Policy 2010. However, there is decreasing trend in number of science students in Bangladesh. Previously, researchers identified that Mathematics is the most difficult subject in students perception, which is a major reason behind such decreasing trend in Science study. By accepting this fact, these researchers investigated the probable reasons of Mathematics anxiety among 630 respondents including 551 undergraduate students who were studying various Mathematics courses and 79 professionals who studied Mathematics in their student lives from different districts of Bangladesh. Earlier, the researchers were guided with preparing questionnaire and design of this study through an experts opinion meeting. This was a mixed method research, which analyzed the quantitative findings and also respondents comments in qualitative manner. Based on the discussions on findings a set of recommendations is formulated that may improve the present situation of Mathematics anxiety in Bangladesh for ensuring effective learning of Mathematics without fear or Mathematics phobia.
Keywords: 21st Century Learner, Effective Learning, Mathematics Anxiety, National Education policy
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018
Pages: 1444 - 1449
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