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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Solar Powered Forest Fire Detection by Using Arduino and Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network
Bolli Shraddha, Kapse Pratiksha, Borude Prajakta, G.B. Murade
Abstract: In the recent years wireless sensor networks has attracted a lot of attention. Now a days wireless sensor networks are used for different applications like habitat monitoring, automation, agriculture and security purpose. As forest fire is prevalent type of disaster it can deal great deal of environmental impact and therefore the early detection of fire is important. With the help of temperature sensor, zigbee wireless sensor network and arduino it is possible. This article presents the design of a system for temperature and smoke detection by using wireless sensor network ZIGBEE, GPS, GSM and ARDUINO to avoid the forest fire that could lead to loss of a significant number of natural resources.
Keywords: Zigbee, Arduino, Receiver, transmitter, wireless sensor network
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Pages: 848 - 850
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