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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Minimally Invasive Treatment of Oral Ranula with Mucosal Tunnel Technique - A Case Report
Dr. M. Suresh Kumar, Dr. K. Amarnath, Dr. G. Saichand, Dr. B. Suraj
Abstract: We have developed a new method for minimally invasive treatment of uncomplicated oral ranula using a mucosal tunnel technique. We established a mucosal tunnel technique by making two parallel incisions across the top of the protruding ranula which were placed 2 3 mm apart. Dissection of soft tissue was done along the incisions to its wall. The fluid was removed and the cavity was irrigated with normal saline. The wall of the ranula was not treated. The first mucosal tunnel was made by suturing the base of the mucosal strip to the deepest part of wall of the ranula. The mucosal base of the tunnel and the deepest part of the ranula were fixed with absorbable sutures. The two external edges of the incisions were sutured together to form the second mucosal tunnel and opposing sutures were inserted between the two parallel incisions to form two natural mucosal tunnels. Outcome was satisfactorial without any relapse during follow up period. Duration of follow up ranged from 10 - 12 months. Patient was satisfied with the outcome. The mucosal tunnel is safe, effective, simple and minimally invasive treatment for oral ranula.
Keywords: Minimally invasive, effective, safe, simple, low recurrence rate
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Pages: 1441 - 1443