International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Comparative Studies | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019 | Rating: 6.6 / 10


Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Knowledge among Students in Selected Schools of Indore

Reetika William

Abstract: The acceleration of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has become an alarming health problem across the globe. The Global Burden of Diseases study has reported that by the year 2025, CVD would be the major cause of death all over the world including the developing countries. The present study was conducted to assess cardiovascular risk factors and knowledge among school students. A total of 100 samples were selected as the participants through non probability purposive sampling technique. Consent for the participation was taken from the participants and data was collected by using cardiovascular risk profile and knowledge assessment questionnaire. Findings of the study revealed that most of samples had detrimental dietary habits, lack of physical activity, possess unhealthy habits such as smoking and tobacco chewing. There is significant association between the knowledge level and selected demographic variables (age, gender, religion, class, school, monthly income, father's education, mother's education, father's occupation, family history of CVD) among private school students at the level p? 0.05. There is no significant association between the knowledge level and selected demographic variables (age, gender, religion, class, father's education, mother's education, father's occupation, family history of CVD)among government school students at the level p? 0.05. There is significant difference between the knowledge level among private and government school students. The mean knowledge score of government school students was 9.76 ? 1.57 and that of private school students was 15.94 ? 3.17. Hence, there is a significant difference in the mean knowledge scores between the two schools with a higher mean in private school students in comparison to government school students

Keywords: Cardiovascular risk factors, knowledge

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019

Pages: 1432 - 1436

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