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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019 | Popularity: 7.7 / 10
Diabetes Mellitus among City Policemen in Nagpur: A Cross Sectional Study
Sandip Zurmure, Shilpa Lanjewar, Uday Narlawar
Abstract: Introduction - India is slowly and steadily acquiring the status of the global chronic disease capital. By 2025, India will have the dubious distinction of having 70 million diabetics, 213 million hypertensives. Material and Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted among police personnel. - The data collection was done between August 2016 and August 2017. Permission was obtained from institutional ethical committee and from the Commissioner of police. The study included 3 police stations in the city as per convenience. All eligible policemen selected randomly and examined till sample size met. Results Prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 03.00 %. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus among males was 03.29 %. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus among females was 02.09 %. Few police persons had impaired glucose tolerance i. e.15 (07.50 %) and few had impaired fasting glucose i. e.05 (02.50 %). Conclusion - High prevalence of overweight, obesity and also central obesity was found which is alarming. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 3 % but prevalence of IGT was high (7.5 %) with IFG prevalence of 2.5 %.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, policemen, Nagpur
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Pages: 1233 - 1236
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