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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Bleep Test Countermeasures Test Using Infrared and Microcontroller Based Computer System
Imran Akhmad, Suharjo
Abstract: This paper describes the mechanism of the work tools system up as a tool to calculate shuttle bleep test to measure aerobic endurance. Practical subject in this research is bleep test aerobic endurance is teste. As a means of aerobic endurance bleeps test, is a standard test by utilizing music as a reference backbone and is in need of countermeasures and the achievement of test norms. The research was conducted by developing a computerized instrument by using infrared as a motion sensor microcontroller base. Most users prefer to use this research tool as it is more effective, efficient and objective than manual procedure. The combination of infrared rays connected to the microcontroller and the computer greatly help the efficiency of the test work system.
Keywords: Shuttle Tools, microcontroller, Bleep test, aerobic
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018
Pages: 759 - 761
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