Conceptual Review on Seismic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Aerospace Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10


Conceptual Review on Seismic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints

K. Padmanabham, K. Rambabu

Abstract: Beam column joints are critical elements in reinforced concrete moment resistant frames (RCMR). Due to inherent complexity of load transfer mechanism and constrained geometric conditions, seismic design codes expressed conflicting views on design of joints. This makes joints more vulnerable during critical action of seismic loads and unable to perform its desired functionality. During seismic excitation non ductile performance of joint system often leads to shear deformation and storey drift both are considered under brittle failures. Hence the seismic design procedure recommends ductile property of joint and its subassemblage. A good detailing practice of joint system and sub assemblage improves ductile performance of structure. But the constrained geometric conditions and uncertainties in design guidelines critically influence detailing and construction practice. In this context, specific attention need to focus on detailed analytical study of beam column joint. Application of seismic loads are in the form of quasi static, and dynamic conditions during which joints subjected to stress reversal, fatigue and impact forces. Hence this review focused on associated theories, hypothetical views on stress distribution, load transfer mechanism, and damage studies at impending failure of a joint. Accordingly specific recommendations are suggested to improve the design aids of R/C beam column joints

Keywords: Beam-column joint, Seismic codes, Postulated theories, Critical observations

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018

Pages: 427 - 437

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K. Padmanabham, K. Rambabu, "Conceptual Review on Seismic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018, pp. 427-437,, DOI:
