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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Value Engineering in Drainage & Non Asphalt Pavement Construction of Penderian Jalan Cabe 2, Cabe 2 Terusan & K.H. Salem, Pamulang District - South Tangerang City (Case Study: In Non-Asphalt Drainage & Pavement Work)
Venus F Firdaus, Dwi Dinar Riana, Suyanto
Abstract: At this time construction service companies are required to make breakthroughs in an effort to reduce production costs (Cost Reduction) and maintain project profitability by maintaining performance, quality, time and cost. Use of cost reduction to obtain efficiency in construction costs by conducting value engineering studies. Value engineering is a systematic method for increasing value through function analysis. The application of value engineering is expected to produce optimum value both in terms of quality, technology, efficiency and innovation of the project. This research was conducted to determine alternative architectural materials and determine the value of saving costs obtained. On non-asphalt drainage & pavement work. From the results of these studies, it can be obtained that the saving cost of the drainage work is Rp.3, 395, 006, 872 (61 %) and non asphalt pavement work Rp.687, 949, 835, - (35 %). So it can be concluded that the use / selection of materials is very dominant to get saving costs. The objectives of value engineering are implementation, work plan (process of increasing value, efficiency and function analysis) and value engineering team which is the critical success factor in applying value engineering studies.
Keywords: Costs, Stages & Efficiency / Saving
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
Pages: 586 - 592
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