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Case Studies | Medical Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Was it Just an Orbital Imflammation or Tip of the Iceberg - A Case Report
Dr. Gurudutt Kamath, Dr. Vala Mounika, Dr. Susan Dsouza
Abstract: Orbital inflammation could be of various etiologies. We report a case of a young female presented to us with recurrent episodes of redness, pain, swelling in right eye for 3 weeks. Presence of joint pains and swelling in the parotid gland area called for an additional workup. Investigations were positive for Granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA). Final diagnosis of orbital inflammation secondary to GPA was made and patient was treated. To conclude, though the condition is rare ophthalmologist should have a high index of suspicion in such a case scenario because of significant morbidity and loss of vision.
Keywords: orbital inflammation, Granulomatosis with polyangitis.
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Pages: 13 - 14
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