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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Comparison of Ferroresonance Mitigation Techniques: RLC Circuit and Sparkgap
Vineet S. Ghare MCOER
Abstract: Ferroresonance incidences in Capacitive Voltage Transformers have been commonly regarded as an unexplained phenomenon due to its complexity. As a result, research conducted in this area is limited and the awareness on ferroresonance is rel- atively low amongst the utilities. However, as the electrical system evolves, its complexity increases in line with the increasing risk of ferroresonance. Ferroresonance is reportedly causing damaging consequences to power equipment. The application of ferroreso- nant circuits to the engineering problems has become increasingly important from both theoretical and practical considerations. This paper throws a light on methods of ferroresonance supression in Capacitive Voltage Transformers with their comparison. Two methods RLC circuit and spark gap were simulated in PSCAD and results are represented.
Keywords: Ferroresonance, Capacitive Voltage Transformers, Over Voltages, Damping circuit, RLC Circuit, Spark Gap
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Pages: 1504 - 1507
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