International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Economics | Kenya | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018

Household Production of Human Health in Kenya: An Econometric Analysis

Thomas Mutinda Muthama [2]

Abstract: Non communicable chronic illnesses are becoming increasingly significant causes of morbidity, disability and premature mortality both in developing and newly developed countries, placing additional burdens on already overtaxed national health budgets. However, the per cent allocation of health expenditure to non-communicable diseases is still very minimal, despite the fact that non-communicable diseases are on the increase particularly among poor people in large cities at the global level, the sub-Saharan countries and also in Kenya. The purpose of this study is to incorporate the effect of household responses to shock on non-communicable chronic illnesses in a household health production model. Specifically, the study sought to determine the effect of household response to shocks on chronic non communicable illnesses; and the effect of diet and nutrition on non communicable chronic illnesses. The study found that diet and nutrition; households respond to shocks; and socio-economic characteristics affects household health status. In conclusion, consumption of meat, dairy products, and drinking beverages and non-alcoholic beverages do increase the presence of NCDs. NCDs will increase due to consumption of bacon, ham salami, and minced meat; cheese, and butter; and drinking mineral water, tea bags, coffee instant, drinking choco, and sodas. When households responds to shocks by seeking help from government or non-governmental institutions it leads to a decline in NCDs. NCDs also reduced in households who respond to shocks through working more or for longer hours. The study also concludes that the presence of NCDs would be higher in households where there is paternal orphan. The study recommends that households ought to be informed through health education on the risks posed by continual consumption of bacon, ham salami, and minced meat; cheese, and butter; and drinking mineral water, tea bags, coffee instant, drinking choco, and sodas. In cushioning households against non-communicable diseases, the government; local and international non-governmental organizations ought to rapidly respond to shocks on households. In addition, individuals in any households ought to encouraged and motivated to worker more or for longer hours. Increased attention by both the government and non-governmental institutions, need to be given to households who have paternal orphans. This is the case since; the father figure protects both the children and their mother against abuse and exploitation by relatives from infringing on their rights and possessions.

Keywords: Household Production, Econometric Analysis, Non-Communicable Diseases, Households Response to Shocks, Diet and Nutrition

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018,

Pages: 960 - 965

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