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Research Paper | Accounting | Rwanda | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 7.2 / 10
Role of Stakeholders Participation on the Performance of Savings Groups Project in Rwanda; A Case Study of Care International Promoted Saving Groups in Bugesera District
Augustine K. Ntaganda, Dr. Patrick Mulyungi
Abstract: Despite the tireless efforts and adaptation of several approaches to foster economic development in Rwanda, many projects have failed to achieve the expected outcomes and graduation out of poverty has not reached the desired level. The role of stakeholders participation in project performance should not be neglected. Findings from the review of case studies indicate that stakeholders involvement in project implementation positively affects project performance. The purpose of this study was to find out the role of stakeholders participation on the performance of savings groups project in Rwanda, with focus on savings groups project implemented by CARE International in Bugesera District. Specifically the study assessed the role of stakeholders participation in financial literacy, networking and leadership on performance of savings group projects. The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population was 40392 which comprised of direct beneficiaries of savings groups project, employees of implementing agency, employee of the funding agency and the Government. A sample size of 396 was used which was obtained using Yamane formula. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used in the study. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. R-square is equal to 0.825 (82.5 %), this implies that variations change in stakeholders participation influence the performance of savings groups project, since the p value is 0000, this means that project performance in relation to Stakeholders participation is statistically significant. ANOVA results further show that Stakeholders participation explains project performance. The sig value (0.000) less than the level significance (0.05). Using linear regression analysis from SPSS data bases, shows that Stakeholders contribution, Stakeholders participation is significant, where p-value is (sig=0.000). Participation in financial literacy had the highest degree of association with the project performance while networking has the least association comparatively. An improvement in stakeholder performance causes an improvement in performance of the project. The researcher recommended that project managers of savings groups projects should ensure that all stakeholders fully participate in various project activities specifically in financial literacy, networking and leadership. This can be done through carrying out financial trainings, motivational talks, technological improvement and delegation of authority.
Keywords: Bugesera District, Rwanda
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 773 - 777
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