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Research Paper | Radiological Sciences | India | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
Dr. Monika Pote, Dr A.N Kamble, Dr. Suresh Phatak
Abstract: Objective To study the role of computed tomography in evaluation of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Materials and Method This was a a prospective study of 30 patients irrespective of age group with clinical suspicion of cerebral venous thrombosis done in Dept of Radiodiagnosis, AVBRH, DMIMS (DU), Sawangi (meghe), Wardha. Result Out of 30 patients diagnosed with CVT, 23 (75 %) patient were female and 7 (25 %) were male, transverse sinus involvement was seen in 18 (60 %) patients, sigmoid sinus in 6 (20 %), superior sagittal sinus in 4 (13 %), cortical veins in 2 (7 %) patients. Among risk factors most common was Pregnancy and puerperial period in 11 (37 %) patients followed by OC pill consumption present in 9 (30 %) patients. The main clinical presentation was thunderclap headache in 24 (78 %), followed by seizure in 10 (32 %) patients. On CT scan imaging most common sign was cord sign in 10 (33 %) followed by delta sign in 9 (30 %) and Hemorrhagic infarcts in cortical white matter junction in 6 (22 %) patients. Conclusion According to our study the highest prevalence was seen in younger age group with female preponderance. CT is the initial modality of choice, is found to be very helpful in diagnosing CVT, plays a crucial role in the patient care.
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 728 - 731
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