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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Internationalisation of Indian Technical Education Empowering India with Respect to International Collaboration
S. Sudha Rani, Daniel Henry Paul R, Karthikeyan.P
Abstract: One of the prominent Indian systems which have an active participation in developing, revamping and augmenting the education is Technical Education system being governed as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). This governing body has an extensive purpose in marinating young minds as scientists, researchers, engineers, technologists, entrepreneurs, etc. In this paper, we have discussed about international collaboration as one of the technical education component to empower the Indian education system for the progress of students as bright gems worldwide. International collaboration can be comprised of Research, Innovation, Skill Development, Industry Collaboration, Entrepreneurship and gaining New Knowledge. Research associates R & D cell, Centre of research training cell, Internships in MIT, IIT and summer research fellowship programme. Innovation involves innovation centre, copyright and patent guidance cell, project proposals grants cell. Skill development involves placement cell training, SDP cell, FDP cell, Industrial training cell. Industry collaboration being engaged in working with abroad universities, faculty exchange and conduction of joint seminars, and workshops, Infosys campus connect programme, Wipro PRP training programme, IBM organizing ICAT, CSI contest programme, CISCO and Juniper Networking centre. Entrepreneurship involves extramural lectures and workshops on business management, self employability organization, coaching courses on entrepreneurial, entrepreneur professional tools academy, collaboration with corporate entrepreneurs. To gain new knowledge, we can propose technology academy such as IOT cell, Mobile Application cell and Web services cell.
Keywords: Research, Innovation, Skill Development, Industry Collaboration, Entrepreneurship, IOT cell, Mobile Application cell, Web services cell
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 860 - 866
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