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Case Studies | Psychology Science | Congo | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Motivational Factors of the Addiction Behavior of Young Places in Lubumbashi Rehabilitation Centers: Case of Lukuni, Bakanja / Center and Magone
Kabatantshi Tujibikile Alain, Tshilemba Ntumba Viviane
Abstract: At the end of this study, which focused on the motivational factors of addiction behaviors among young people placed in the Lubumbashi re-education centers (ERF / Lukuni, Bakanja / Center and Magone), we recalled the highlights of the approach adopted. including the original question, the objectives of the study, the research hypothesis, the methods and techniques used. Finally, we outline the main results in light of our original objectives. In fact, we started from a major question, which is to know the factors that promote addictive behaviors among young people placed in Lukuni, Bakanja / Center and Magone rehab centers The objectives of our study were Determine factors that promote juvenile addiction behaviors in the three Lukuni, Bakanja / Center and Magone Rehabilitation Centers, To propose a treatment likely to reduce or even extirpate the behaviors of addiction among the young people placed in these three centers of reeducation. These objectives were supplemented by the hypothesis The proliferation of outlets for alcoholic beverages in the vicinity of rehabilitation centers, the breakdown of family relations, the participation in the activities of gangs and gangs, the failure of the ego and the superego to the solicitations of the This, widespread education and the failure of surveillance mechanisms would be the main factors behind addiction behavior among the youth of Lukuni, Bakanja / Center and Magone. To answer our original question and achieve our goals, we used the descriptive method and the case study. These have been made operational through the use of documentary techniques, direct observation and maintenance.
Keywords: Motivational factors, Reeducation
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 357 - 364
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