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Case Studies | Political Science | Congo | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
Crisis of Governance and Poverty in the City of Likasi
Kabang Yav Eliel, Ngoy Sangaji Gisele
Abstract: In this study we seek to demonstrate to what extent the governance crisis is a major obstacle to the development of an entire people. The underdevelopment that characterizes Congolese society has both endogenous and exogenous causes, which are reflected in several factors or explanatory variables. In the city of Likasi, despite enormous potential for mineral resources, under the helpless gaze of its leaders who apparently do not seem to know or want to make any effort to solve the problem of poverty in a common and sustainable way, things seem to be stagnant and give no hope of a better future
Keywords: Governance Crisis, Poverty
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 138 - 142
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