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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Charisma Dancer: Creative Process in the Era of Creative Industry
Novita Maulya Saktiani
Abstract: The era of creative industry has currently affected the artists in Indonesia, especially in Surabaya. As with Charisma Dancer Surabaya which has settled for 15 years, Charisma Dancer Surabaya is able to exist and compete with other dance studios. In this study researchers used qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The product produced by Charisma Dancer Surabaya is creating not only modern dance, but also contemporary, thematic, cabaret, background artist, and traditional dance. Haris Slamet is a choreographer whose source of ideas comes from the audio stimuli that comes from the music of his accompaniment. The result of the creative process produced by Haris Slamet looks simple, easy to recognize, but looks neat and interesting. Produce a work of dance that is simple, interesting, and it can be enjoyed by the community, and it has a high selling value.
Keywords: Charisma Dancer Surabaya, creative process, creative industry
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Pages: 1547 - 1550
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