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Case Studies | Medical Science | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Pregnancy with Thalassemia ? /Hemoglobin E Disease: A Case Report
Agung Pramartha Irawan, I. G. A. Purjuniatni, A. A. G. Putra Wiradnyana
Abstract: Thalassemias are group of inherited autosomal recessive hematologic disorders that cause hemolytic anemia. Worldwide, patients with thalassemia beta/hemoglobin E (-thal/HbE) represent 50 % of severe beta thalassemia. The highest frequencies are observed in India and throughout Southeast Asia including Indonesia. In one study by Suchaya et al. (2008), 0.2 % of all pregnant women were affected by -thal/HbE disease. In this case report, we would discuss management of patient 28 years old with diagnose first pregnancy 27-28 weeks + moderate anemia (Hb 6.2 g/dL) + Thalassemia (-thal/HbE). She got three times blood transfusions during pregnancy. Finally, at 37-38 weeks she delivered 2500 g male baby in vigorous condition with no major congenital anomaly. From DNA examination, known her husband has normal DNA, her father carrier of HbE disease whereas her mother carrier of minor -thalassemia.
Keywords: Globin, Hemoglobin E, Thalassemia
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Pages: 71 - 74
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