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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Application of Supportive Therapy with Emotional Catharsis Techniques and Relaxation to Improve Psychological Well Being in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis at Bhayangkara's Hospital
Diyana Dwi Lestari, Anastasia Sri Maryatmi
Abstract: This study aims to see improving psychological well being in patients undergoing hemodialysis at Bhayangkaras Hospital. Psychological well being expains as an individual state to be able to accept its own strengths and weeknessesas it is, to be an independent self-living, capable of controlling the environment to develop positive relationships with others and continue to grow personally. Psychological well being can be interpreted as the realization and optimal achievement potential. The process of improving psychological well being in this research is by using supportive therapy with emotional catharsis and relaxation techniques. This research uses experimental method that is Single Case Experimental Design that is a research design to evaluate the effect of an intervention with single case from several subjects in one group or single subject. Methods of data collection conducted in this study is by observation, in-depth interviews, provision of interventions and provision of questionnaires pre-test and post Ryff psychological well being scale test. Based on the results obtained analysis shows that subjects have improving psychological well being after supportive therapy with emotional catharsis and relaxation techniques.
Keywords: Psychological Well Being, Hemodialysis, supportive therapy with emotional catharsis and relaxation
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 6, June 2018
Pages: 1341 - 1344
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