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Research Paper | Agriculture | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Motivation for Women Farmers Group of Cattle Milk Curd Motivation Differences of Bamboo
Aminuddin Saade, Muhammad Taufik, Eary Novi Mayestika
Abstract: Milk is one of the livestock products which are essential for life as it has Yag nutrients needed by everyone. This study aimed to determine the effect of the use of bamboo as a medium manufacture cow & #039, s milk curd and to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and skills of the public regarding dairy products, especially processed cow & #039, s milk. This study was designed with a qualitative approach by using parameters that do that organoleptic test by observing the shelf life of the curd. The method used is to conduct a descriptive test with 2 treatments 5 replications. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation and the data were analyzed statistically using deskiptif test. Dadi cow & #039, s milk with bamboo innovation can be damaged if the shelf life of more than 2 days. By using two types of bamboo, we conclude that the type of bamboo Ampel / pettung better because dadi generated more interest to respondents compared bamboo lain. Efektivitas knowledge, attitudes, and skills of counseling conducted on cow & #039, s milk curd with bamboo innovation on women farmers obtain a value of 42.40 % (effective enough).
Keywords: cow's milk, motivation, bamboo, cow's milk curd.
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 5, May 2018
Pages: 647 - 652
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