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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Secure Forensic Report Retrieval Application using Cipher Text-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption
Vinod I. Jondhale, Manisha Y. Joshi
Abstract: In cryptography, confidentiality, authenticity and anonymity are studied for long, and to provide security is the reason for all modern cryptographic research. Attribute based view has developed gradually by the requirements of security in a distributed setting. Attribute based encryption have been developed to give a fine grained access control on the data and at present attribute-based systems have wide range of applications in new decentralized settings. When the list of users may not be known prior, attribute based encryption mechanism is useful in these settings. In these settings, all users may possess some credentials or attributes, and these are used to determine access control and also to provide some degree of anonymity with respect to the users identity. Cipher text policy attribute based encryption is a scheme that gives a way to separate the credentials or attributes from the access policy and combine them at a later stage to provide secure access to protected data. We have proposed similar application for secure forensic data report retrieval where the setup algorithm first generates keys using the attributes of the users, the forensic analyst defines a set of attributes to encrypt the report and store the report in temporary storage. The receivers such as policeman, relatives, doctor will have to possess the defined set of attributes to decrypt the report.
Keywords: Cipher text-policy attribute-based encryption CP-ABE, attribute-based encryption ABE, access policy, fine-grained access control
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
Pages: 980 - 983
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