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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | Rwanda | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Influence of Health Communication Campaigns Messages on Perceptions of Women on Family Planning Methods in Rwanda
Muyombano Pierre, Hellen Mberia, Dr Caroline Nabuzale
Abstract: The study focuses on the influence of health communication campaigns on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. Inadequacy of health communication campaigns would influence negative perceptions of women on family planning, which would lead to problems including unmet needs. An estimated 225 million women in developing countries would like to delay or stop childbearing. Nineteen percent of currently married women in Rwanda have an unmet need for family planning. Health communication campaigns play a big role in addressing the lack of information, fear, cultural or religious opposition, users and providers. However, if health communication campaigns are not run well, objectives are not attained. WHO argued that information about family planning methods and their use constitute a key driver of perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. The overall objective of this study was to examine the influence of health communication campaigns on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. Specific objectives include assessing the influence of health communication messages on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda, establishing the influence of health communication channels on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda, examining the influence of health communication managers on perceptions of women on family planning in Rwanda and evaluating the health communication target audience influence on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. It was conducted in Kigali, Rwanda. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was used to determine the influence of health communication campaigns on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. The study had a sample size of 259 respondents obtained by Slovins formula. The study used questionnaires and interview as instruments for data collection. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics as well as inferential statistics. The study concluded that there is an influence of health communication campaigns on perceptions of women on family planning methods in Rwanda. The study recommends that attention is needed on messages of health communication campaigns on family planning methods in Rwanda and the choice of communication channels needs to be more tailored to target audience.
Keywords: health communication, Family planning and perception
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018
Pages: 335 - 338
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