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Review Papers | Arts and Humanities | India | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Philosophical Approach to Religion and Culture
Dr. Hemanta Kumar Kalita
Abstract: Religare the Latin word is the key word of Religion means togetherness or living with a common belief. Literally speaking the religion is a principle for unification and harmonization. Hence the perfect meaning of religion is not an explanation of existence of God, Allah or Ishawar rather it contemplates the inner order of soul. If we go through the traditional description of religion we find that religion emerged out of need and requirement. Many of the religious philosophers never admit the existence of God as necessary in religion but rather than the idea of God in religion is the creation of human mind. The nature of philosophy is to enquire the truth. This truth is not the truth of physical eyes rather it is truth of the whole, the truth of the spirit. The concept of philosophy can not discussed apart from the concept of the world and human being. It is the world where human being can develop their personality. The relation between philosophy and Religion and philosophy and culture, is intimately associated. The philosophy of culture means the universality of knowledge of the activity of life. Philosophy helps to grow knowledge and culture helps to cultivate them for the well being of man and society. Culture may generate aesthetic sense in human mind though not philosophically oriented. But this sense without philosophy may not be everlasting. Every moment is changing but the truth what is universal is unchanged. Philosophy is an attempt to extract the hidden truth and culture enshrines the truth for long. Philosophy is the guiding force, the impetus of culture. Culture, religion and philosophy apparently are co-related. Naively religion has no relation to culture and philosophy. But if we disregard the relation among them it will give us mere a husk of modernization in true sense. The essence of all religious belief is same and it is known every body. Love forgiveness, brotherhood ahimsa, peace and prosperity, kind-heartedness and so on. , are the basic human values in society. Science makes the whole globe into a village. We are becoming more educated and percentage of educated people are increasing day by day. But in spite of that fear and terror are very near to us. Each moment for us is a moment of uncertainty. Religious fanaticism as well as uncultured hub pinches life in different ways. All logical discussion regarding is or isnot, right or wrong, just or unjust, good or evil are still a common gesture to sprout inevitably against all kinds hostilities and evils. We need religion and culture but that should not be contradicted. Philosophy of religion and refined culture are of same ideology. Religion without philosophy is blind, emotional while culture without philosophical insight is un-progressive, dogmatic.
Keywords: Religare, Ishawar, Sankaracharjee, Ramunujachajee Namghar Satriya Nritya, Ankia Bhaona one act play, Borgeet Kristi, Krshna, Sanksrit, sanskriti Sankara, Ramanuja, Sri, Chaityanay Shankardeva,
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Pages: 1804 - 1809
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