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Research Paper | Social Science | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
The Sustainability Livelihood Strategy in the Internalization of Gender Role
Andi Maslia Tenrisau Adam, Syamsiah Badruddin
Abstract: The sustainability livelihood strategy in the internalization of gender role is critical to the sustainability of the mulberry cultivation and silkworm cultivation (sericulture) in South Sulawesi. The research objective to analyze the sustainable livelihood strategy in the internalization of gender role undertaken by households of sericulture business in Wajo Regency, Indonesia. This study is a qualitative descriptive study with case studies approach. There are nine informants as a member of the family sericulture employers. The results showed that there were four kinds sustainability strategies to maintain the production silkworm. The first plan is internally by increasing cropping area, taking or buying feed (mulberry leaf) and reducing agricultural inputs. Secondly by vertical solidarity strategy with receiving seeds assistance from the government. Thirdly approach is horizontal solidarity by making the system entrusted maintenance of silkworm. The last policy is asset accumulation or buying garden. The procedure of sustainability livelihood showed balanced role between husband and wife. Man's role in the approach of production and accumulation strategy while the woman's role in production strategy, vertical solidarity strategy, and the strategy of horizontal solidarity.
Keywords: Strategy, Silkworm Cultivation, Gender
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Pages: 2012 - 2015