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Research Paper | Agriculture | Uzbekistan | Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Impact of Irrigation and Nutrition to Andijon-36 Cotton Species Yield
Rajabov Nurmamat Qudratovich, Shamsiev Akmal Sadirdinovich
Abstract: Researches on impact of irrigation and nutrition to Andijon-36 cotton species yield was carried out in Tashkent Region. Under the condition of typical gray soil in Tashkent Region, investigating water-fertilizer conditions, irrigation amount and duration, seasonal irrigation norms and the optimal water-fertilizer condition (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), prior to properly watering Andijan-36 species cotton, high quality harvests have been obtained at the rate of 27, 7-47, 9 c/ha on the average 35, 3 c/ha with the soil humidity of 65-65-60 % according to LFHC, with the leaf cell juice concentration of 9, 6-9, 8 %, at the rate of 10, 3-11, 9 % in the period of blossoming-harvesting and at 12, 0-12, 9 % in the period of ripening, using the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the rate of 190-133-95 kilos.
Keywords: cotton varieties, refraktometer, leaf juice concentration, seasonal irrigation, standard ratio of fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, irrigation amount, soil agro-physics condition, pre-watering soil humidity, crop density, yield
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2018
Pages: 1241 - 1243