Development of a Model for Natural Disaster Mitigation on the Socialization in Elementary School
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


Development of a Model for Natural Disaster Mitigation on the Socialization in Elementary School

Ruslan Dabi Dabi, Rugaya M Pandawa, Damir Umanailo

Abstract: Ternate City Central Community activity center is the densest. The high activity of this city because it is a center of trade and transport concentration of North Maluku province. The long history of eruption of Gamalama list as well as other natural disasters certainly society Ternate in General and particularly the community around the center of the explosion was targeted as well as areas prone to natural disasters has had long experience interact with the eruption of Gamalama natural disasters. Mitigation or Taming is the effort and the activities undertaken to mitigate and minimize the consequences that posed by disasters, which includes preparedness and vigilance. Mitigation is the liability of the various parties, be it experts, Governments, and society broadly. Purpose of the research conducted was to develop models of socialization of the natural disaster mitigation in the form of software fits the needs of school age children in Kelurahan of Tubo City of Ternate. The benefits of this research are expected to provide benefits to the development of science, particularly in the field of emergency nursing children and disaster management. Method, The type of Research used in this research is quantitative with the methods of research and development (research and development) is a process or steps to develop a new product or perfecting products that are already there. The populations in this study are all the Children who were in the Neighborhood Tubo Ternate city. The sample are school age children grades 4-6 SD. The location of this research is located in Village Tubo Ternate city. The location chosen for the reason that these locations include areas that are prone to natural disasters, especially due to the eruption of Gamalama volcano. Data collection Techniques used in this study are, among others, is the interview and question form questions. The next method of observation is to see firsthand the things that have been done in the mitigation of natural disasters. While the techniques of Data analysis performed with the descriptive form of statistically analyzed average and percentage to analyze data. Qualitative analysis was conducted to describe the resulting data through the observation and documentation study. Research results on a search against the use of interactive learning media preferred by school age children, understanding the child against a learning more can be absorbed properly by involving many use the sensorial. The results of the tests showed the presence of model learning media interest and interest to want to learn using interactive media. Local relevant agencies are expected to be able to support the efforts of this interactive media products in order to increase knowledge of the effort can be realized even more.

Keywords: Models of socialization, Mitigation of natural disasters, Children of school age

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017

Pages: 1831 - 1834

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Ruslan Dabi Dabi, Rugaya M Pandawa, Damir Umanailo, "Development of a Model for Natural Disaster Mitigation on the Socialization in Elementary School", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017, pp. 1831-1834,, DOI: