Kinetics and Mechanisms of Oxidation of Thiosuphate Ion by Peroxodisulphate
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Chemistry | Sudan | Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10


Kinetics and Mechanisms of Oxidation of Thiosuphate Ion by Peroxodisulphate

Dr. Eljali Elobeid Elhassan, Dr. Ibrahim Mukhtar Ahmed, Dr. Elfatih Ahmed Hassan, Dr. Eljali Elobeid Elhassan

Abstract: The kinetics of the oxidation of thiosulphate ion S2O32 by peroxodisulphate ion S2O82- been studied out in system of high ionic strength and phosphate medium at 400C. Under controlled conditions of ionic strength around one (I1) and constant cation concentration the reaction is of overall second order, being first order with respect to each peroxodisulphate and thiosulphate ions. The reaction takes place according to the stoichiometry S2O82- + S2O32- 2SO42- + S4O62- and the rate law R0=k1 [S2O82-]0+ k20 [S2O82-]0 [S2O32-]0+{kMi+ [M+]} [S2O82-]0 [S2O32-]0 Cations catalyze the reaction rate in the ascending order (Li+ < Na+ < K+) and the extent of catalysis depends on the nature and concentration of the cations. The activation parameters have been evaluated and discussed and the mechanism has been proposed for the reaction.

Keywords: Peroxodisulphate, Thiosulphate VI, Oxidation, Kinetics, Mechanism

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017

Pages: 962 - 966

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Dr. Eljali Elobeid Elhassan, Dr. Ibrahim Mukhtar Ahmed, Dr. Elfatih Ahmed Hassan, Dr. Eljali Elobeid Elhassan, "Kinetics and Mechanisms of Oxidation of Thiosuphate Ion by Peroxodisulphate", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 3, March 2017, pp. 962-966,, DOI:

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