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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Effectiveness of the Social Support of Family, Peers, Cadres of Posyandu Activity against Elderly Posyandu Activity in the Village Yendidori District of Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province
La Jumu
Abstract: Background elderly health services has not been run in accordance with the Trustees Act, RI number 13 year 1998 about the welfare of the elderly and the laws of INDONESIA number 36 the year 2009 about health, for it needs to be elderly health services social movements, especially of potential social support community. Purpose Analyse the influence the effectiveness of variable 1) social support of family, peers, social support of elderly cadres of posyandu simultaneously.2) Variable social support social support of family, peers, social support of elderly cadres of posyandu partially.3) Variables which effect predominantly interrelations between social support social support of family, peers, and social support cadres of posyandu activity against elderly Posyandu activities follow. Research method the type of this research is descriptive research analytical quantitative with a technical analysis of test coefficient of linear correlation and regression, multiple cross sectional approach in Proportionate sampling, statifide sampling and random assignment of respondents at random systematic sampling, of the 50 respondents. Variable independent X1 family social support, X2 Support social peers, X3 social support cadres of posyandu elderly, dependent variable Y = Liveliness elderly following posyandu activities of the elderly. Results of research the first significantly influential Hypothesis, p = 0.001, the second hypothesis test X 1 t calculate = 0.001 t test, x 2 significant = 0.998. , insignificant, t-test = 0.03 X 3, significantly, the third hypothesis, test () = 0.601 and test t = 0.001 means significant. Conclusion the first Hypothesis in the receive and reject the second hypothesis, as well as the third hypothesis is accepted. Recommendation Socialization of social support of family, peers, cadres of posyandu for the elderly maintain and enhance social movement according to significant results and the third one hypothesis as well as intensifying the socialization deficiencies according the second hypothesis, by way of direct socialization and dissemination of a brochure about the strategy of social support to the community and the family of the elderly.
Keywords: Social Support, Liveliness, Elderly
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Pages: 1816 - 1824
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