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Review Papers | Dental Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Let's Talk about Oral Health - Because it Matters in Global Health Aspect
Dr. Soumalya Ghosh, Dr. Amini Ndisanze
Abstract: Oral Health is the most neglected area in global health prospect. Most of the people in the world are confused about oral disease with illness. Oral diseases are still a global burden, despite the improvement in some developed countries. It used to be mostly developed countries having high rate of dental caries and oro-esophageal cancer due to high sugar consumption and smoking. The oral health is neglected in health systems repartition health expenditures. There are diverse oral disease in the world like dental caries, periodontal diseases, tooth loss, oral and mucosal lesion, oral cancers, dental trauma and HIV/AIDS related diseases all this are major global health issues and poor oral health has a significant effect to the general health of the individual and the quality of life. Across the globe oral diseases burden trend reflects the difference in oral health awareness and public health programs, risk factors and environmental factors, the unhealthy lifestyles like poor oral hygiene, unhealthy diet, high tobacco consumption and alcohol drinking. Road traffic accident and sports injury are the main risk factors for the orofacial trauma. Social determinants of health and risk factors integration in oral health with global health programs is of high importance. Global emphasis on Community level oral health programs on implementing oral health policy, promotions and prevention are the urgent needs.
Keywords: Dental, Oral Health, Global Health, Oral Cancer, Dental Expenditure
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Pages: 1281 - 1286
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