Performance of Physical Education Teachers in State Universities in Samar Island: Basis for Ape Development Plan
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Education Management | Philippines | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10


Performance of Physical Education Teachers in State Universities in Samar Island: Basis for Ape Development Plan

Mary Lynn Espina-Verano

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the performance of Physical Education teachers in state universities in Samar Island as basis for a PE development plan. Specifically, it aimed to identify the facultys socio-demographic profile as to faculty and student factors and to identify the problems encountered by the faculty and their needs in their teaching performance, in terms of personal, student, instructional, and administrative factors. In addition, this ascertained if the facultys socio-demographic profile correlated with their teaching performance and the problems they encountered and their needs in teaching performance. And this determined the significant difference between the evaluations of the four (4) state universities on the performance of the faculty. The study utilized descriptive-correlational research design. Covering four (4) state universities in Samar Island and faculty handling basic PE course, supervisors, and students participated in the study. Complete enumeration was employed for the faculty and supervisors while random sampling technique was used for the 2, 156 students. A survey questionnaire was used as the primary instrument to gather data. The study used frequency counts, percentages, ranking, and weighted mean, t-test for independent samples and multiple regression analysis as statistical tools. Most of the faculty-respondents belonged to 30 to 59 years old, female, married, earned appropriate post-graduate studies, earned a monthly salary of P 35, 000 and below, have been teaching for 1 to 15 years, attended 1 to 10 relevant seminars/trainings related to PE teaching, received 1 to 10 awards/incentives related to teaching PE, had a class size of 50 and below, had highly favorable teaching strategies, and favorable attitude towards teaching. Most of the student-respondents had access to books, received an average grade of 1.50 during the first semester, had very good study habits, and had a result of 51 to 75 in their school ability test. The faculty had a very satisfactory teaching performance, in terms of commitment, knowledge of subject matter, teaching for independent learning, management of student learning, course syllabus, methodology, performance, critic factor, instruction as to teacher, students, and learning environment, and other qualities. The faculty, the students, and the supervisors assessed that the faculty moderately encountered problems in terms of instructional, personal, administrative, and student factors. Moreover, the faculty, the students, and the supervisors perceived that the faculty was in much needed in their teaching performance as to personal, student, instructional, and administrative factors. On the test of relationship, it showed that all socio-demographic profile variables were found to be not significantly related to the teaching performance of faculty handling basic PE course. It also revealed that among the socio-demographic profile variables, only study habits affected the problems encountered by the faculty while other variables found to be not significantly correlated with the problems and needs of the faculty in their teaching performance. On the test of difference, there was no significant difference between the evaluation of the students in four (4) universities in Samar Island on the teaching performance of the faculty handling basic PE course. Based on the findings of this study, a PE Development Plan was formulated to further increase or improve the quality, desirability, attractiveness or effectiveness of the teaching performance of faculty handling basic PE course in state universities in Samar Island.

Keywords: Physical Education, development, teaching, teaching performance

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017

Pages: 631 - 642

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Mary Lynn Espina-Verano, "Performance of Physical Education Teachers in State Universities in Samar Island: Basis for Ape Development Plan", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017, pp. 631-642,, DOI:

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