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Research Paper | Agriculture | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Potato Value Chain in South Sulawesi
Andi Syarif Hidayatul Hamdi, Mahyuddin, Palmarudi Mappigau
Abstract: The analysis of the potato value chain is conducted to identify the role of inter-sectoral cooperation from upstream to downstream. This research aims to identify the map of the value chain of potatoes and identify the activities of key actors value chain of potatoes in South Sulawesi. This research uses informants with purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques so that the analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. Based on the results of the research, the analysis of the potato value chain involves the main actors and supporting actors. The main actors consist of potato farmers, gatherer traders, large traders, retailers, and processed potato industries. Supporters include agricultural extension workers, farmer groups, alsintan services, farm shops, farm laborers, seed breeders, inter-provincial traders, and consumers. Value activities undertaken by main actors in the potato supply chain in South Sulawesi at the farm level are farming planning, procurement, cultivation, harvesting and post harvest planning. At the gatherer traders level do planning, purchasing, sorting, and selling. At the large traders level do the planning, procurement, sorting, packaging and distribution. At the retailers level do the planning, purchasing, and selling. While at the level of processed industry do planning, procurement, production, and distribution.
Keywords: Value Chain, Potato
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Pages: 1174 - 1178
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